Sunday, June 29, 2008

Auditory linguistic focused imagery™

BY Richard L Erickson, PhD HHCP LPHt

In the early 1900s, Albert Einstein remarked, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”
When it comes to enabling and directing imagination’s ability to carry information, language can be more powerful than any drug. Proper linguistics and background sounds helped in the development of Auditory Linguistic Focused Imagery™ or (ALFI.)

ALFI stimulates the imaginary pathway by focused attention using the transmission and reception of multi layered language and sounds to reverse or control certain pain and Conditioned Habitual Responses (CHR) by altering or even eliminating past and /or recurring sensitizing events.
Applied in specific and systematic stages, ALFI uses a combination of accepted expressive techniques including: confusion, misdirection, modification, age regression, age progression, anchoring, time distortion, suggestion, concentrated attention, reverse suggestion, covert imagery, role playing, post suggestion imagery, bonding, and systematic desensitization.

Recent studies on two transition areas of the brain; the Insular cortex and Cingulate Gyrus; which form feelings and ideas by connecting the logical neocortex and the reactionary Limbic system are helping verify the importance of their ability to promote habit control, which is especially helpful with the leading cause of tobacco use, phobias, pain issues, weight gain, stress, anxiety, and long-term drug use.
Studies, Through the use of positron emission tomography PET scan and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), are showing promising results as these areas have demonstrated increased activity when stimulated both pharmacological and by using focused imagery techniques often associated with medical hypnosis.

Research has shown that the Cingulate Gyrus, which receives inputs from the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, the neocortex, as well as from somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex functions as an integral part of the limbic system, which is involved with emotion formation, processing, learning, and memory.
The insular cortex, in particular its most anterior portion is considered a limbic-related cortex. The insula has increasingly become the focus of attention for its role in subjective emotional experience giving rise to conscious feelings and the neurobiological formulation of ideas.

According to research conducted by the neuroscientist Paul McLean when we are unusually emotionally aroused these areas of the brain become temporarily blocked due to hyperactivity in the older emotionally controlled limbic system. At this point it is the irrational seat of emotion that is responsible for perceptions of what is reality and truth, and as a result, the rational brain cannot regulate our emotional instinctive behaviors through self-control; what we commonly call willpower. This blockage and subsequent transfer of control gives rise to Habitual Conditioned Responses that are contrary to ration thought forming an unreality state.

There are many examples of the unreality state, which is not logical i.e. certain pain disorders and syndromes, obsessive-compulsive disorder, self mutilation, emotional eating, imaginary gag response, anxiety, phobias, physical addictions and Tobacco use.

ALFI has shown efficacy as an adjunct or stand alone therapy to standard medical practice with a variety of conditions.

For more information contact

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