Sunday, September 21, 2008

the basics of hypnosis and hypnotherapy

The following basics can help when looking for a hypnotherapist and to help you understand hypnosis

Myths and misconceptions
• Only low-intelligent people can be hypnotized
• I will tell all my darkest secrets
• I will be under a spell or controlled
• Demons can enter my body
• I will get stuck in hypnosis
• It is a form of brainwashing
• With my personality I can’t be hypnotized

Problems concerning hypnotherapy
• The Public’s preconceived bias
• The unethical hypnotist
• The unqualified hypnotist
• Rapport with the hypnotist
• negative abreaction
• False memory syndrome
• Immediate cures
• Standard practice guidelines
• Time requirements

Steps in hypnotherapy
• Find a good hypnotist
• Rapport
• Initial fact finding interview
• Induction
• Deepening
• Therapy
• Post-hypnotic suggestions
• Conclusion- return to normal conscious thought
• Hypnotherapy is NOT a magic wand Follow-up sessions strengthen resolve

Hypnotherapy can:
• Keep you on your nutrition plan
• Alters or eliminates a bad habit
• Help control pain, stress, and anger
• Eliminates an obsession
• Minimizes or eliminate an addiction
• alleviate a phobia, past sensitizing events, sexual fatigue
• increase learning, test taking, sports skills
• increase self-esteem, self worth, self-control
• increase effectiveness of medications
• Help control a disorder
• Help you to just relax

for further information on each subject you may contact my me


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Anonymous said...

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