Friday, July 4, 2008

Think Chantix side effects are bad? Just wait

Since 1988 when then Surgeon General C. Edward Coop announced “that nicotine was as addictive as cocaine or heroin” every governmental agency, non-profit organization, hospital, and university has and continues to be the sales spokesperson for the chemical models of smoke cessation. These models, ranging from Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), antidepressants like Bupropion (Zyban and Wellbutrin), anesthesia shots, and Varenicline (a derivate of the poison Cytisine) sold as Chantix, unfortunately contain very adverse and potentially lethal side- effects, are costly, and have very high relapse rates, which range as high as 95% in the fist year.

Chantix the new wonder pill to emerge is proving dangerous to many smokers. Since Chantix's approval in May 2006 there had been 26 "severe adverse effects". Chantix has been linked according to the FDA to at least 40 suicides and 400 attempted suicides, over 397 cases of possible psychosis, and 525 reports of hostility or aggression with many of the patients reporting hallucinations and thoughts of killing people. This has prompted the Veterans Administration to inform 32,000 veterans that they are using a drug linked to suicide or violent behavior. The FAA as also banned the use of Chantix for all pilots and air-traffic controllers. Chantix is also banned for all truck drivers.

It may get worse!! Nabi Biopharmaceuticals is already developing NicVAX -- a vaccine to treat nicotine addiction and prevent smoking relapse. The vaccine is designed to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that bind to nicotine. A nicotine molecule attached to an antibody is too large to cross the blood-brain barrier. Nabi says, NicVAX blocks nicotine from reaching its receptors in the brain and prevents the highly-addictive pleasure sensation experienced by smokers and users of nicotine products.
Nabi also said in 2007 that trials are expected to show that antibodies from NicVAX will last 12 months or longer. If that proves to be true, it would support getting through the 95 percent relapse rate in the critical first year.

The problem once again the side-effects First, a university of Michigan study concluded that only 32% of smokers are nicotine dependent (this researcher feels that is on the high side). However, if this figure is true then 65% to 75% of smokers do not continue to smoke because of Nicotine addiction. Second, we must look at the averse and potentially lethal side-effects, to wit, one in particular come to mind. We know that nicotine mimics the neuro-transmitter acetylcholine and binds to it receptors in the brain. Since the anti-body’s are designed to seek out nicotine and bind to it, once a person has stopped all nicotine injection these anti-bodies will in essence lose their job and just move aimlessly through the body. Since nature is always in flux suppose these anti-bodies were to mutate ever-so-slightly and begin to block, alter, or destroy the receptors for acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction? This would in-turn prevent muscle contraction from occurring producing a disorder called Myasthenia Gravis, a debilitating and potentially lethal muscle disease.

When you are ready to stop smoking in an effective and healthy manner, with no adverse side-effects, use the non-chemical herb-free, safe, and reusable TobaccoB’Gone Stop for Life System.
When the want is gone the need is gone and you can…. Stop for Life
For more information


Katie Lynn said...

Chanitx, nice point laid down for quit smoking.

I will take care as i was planning to go for chantix rememdy.

Thank you
I like it. Keep it up dear!

Abhijeet said...

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